What We Do

Current Workshops/Online Classes 

What We Do

Eric Carle Drama Sessions

Do you have a little one in reception to year 2 that LOVES Eric Carle’s books? Or do they simply love drama? It could be that they like to learn whilst having fun? If this is your child, then we know you’d be interested in our Eric Carle drama sessions! We will be exploring Eric’s works through drama activities, which will be so much fun! ??The sessions will take place via Zoom

Our sessions are guaranteed to…
? Build your child’s confidence
? Teach new drama skills
? Introduce new friends
? Provide the perfect environment to have fun!

…. And so much more!

Black History Month

Next week is half term and it may have been a difficult balancing act to think ahead and plan fun and entertaining activities for your young ones.
Well never fear- SWP has got you covered for the week! For £5 you can book your child’s spot on one of our wonderful workshops!

Performing Arts all week that your children can enjoy from the comfort of their own homes via Zoom.

Take a look at what we have planned as we kick the week off with African Dance! What better way for your children to burn their energy than with an energetic workout with Hayley!

The whole week is going to be amazing fun so book via DM now!

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed id ligula facilisis, dignissim massa nec, congue lacus. In vitae sem nisi.


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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed id ligula facilisis, dignissim massa nec, congue lacus. In vitae sem nisi.